2023, A Day In The Life Of Liz, Coffee, Idaho, Jackson, My favorite things

My top 10 favorite things!

Hi everyone!! So here’s a weird fact about me, I LOVE making lists. I mean, I am constantly making lists. Lists of things I need to do, lists of things I want to do, lists of books I want to read, movies I want to watch, even lists of things I want to buy. I just am always making lists.

It helps me to stay organized, and also to sort things out in my brain.

So here is a list of some of my favorite things. I was thinking I will start here then break it down into subsections of those favorite things, because why not?

So, here we go!

  1. DOGS: specifically my dog Jackson but really all dogs!
  2. TV SHOWS: I love watching shows. I am constantly watching multiple shows at once, because my mood depends on what I am wanting to watch.
  3. BEING OUTSIDE: I love being outside and feeling the sun on my face. Walking, biking, reading outside, swimming. I love being outside.
  4. READING BOOKS: When I was in college and high school I would even make lists of the books I read each year, keeping track of how many books and which ones I loved.
  5. MY FAMILY: I am convinced I have the best family in the world. No matter what, they are always there for me, and I wouldn’t be the person I am without them.
  6. MY FRIENDS: I also have the best friends in the world. I may not have that many friends, but quality over quantity in my mind.
  7. COFFEE: I don’t really need to elaborate, do I?
  8. LEARNING HOW THINGS WORK: And by that I mean, understanding why things work the way they do, the behind the scenes of things. I love listening to these watch back podcasts because it is so intriguing to me learning how different shows were made.
  9. SUNSHINE: I just love it when the sun it out. I am so much happier. It doesn’t even have to be warm, but when the sun is out, I feel joy!
  10. SKIING: I have been skiing since I was 3 and it is my favorite! I raced in high school and I still enjoy it to this day!

Well, that’s it! Those are my Top 10 favorite things!

I want to hear yours though, because I love learning about people!

Thanks for reading!

1 thought on “My top 10 favorite things!”

  1. Hi LizI am so happy you are doing what you love.I loved the brief time we worked together. What I  love is making crafts and giving them to friends  I also love to bake and cook and share with friends. I enjoy seeing what you are up to.LindaSent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


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